Browntail Moth Nest Removal
Browntail moths build wintering nests high in the canopy of the tree (usually oaks). Each of these nests contains a dormant colony of caterpillars that will re-infest the tree in the spring if they are not removed. The nests are typically located on the tips of branches which makes them difficult to remove with conventional methods, but leave them accessible to our M200 drone equipped with a state-of-the-art canopy sampling device. We can quickly and safely clip nests from the canopy of the affected trees so that the client can easily dispose of them.
This is an economic alternative to more conventional tree-care methods that does not harm the tree and can be used in waterfront locations where pesticide use may be prohibited. By eliminating the nests full of dormant caterpillars during the fall/winter we can protect the tree from renewed damage and reduce the likelihood that you and your family will be affected by the toxic hairs of the caterpillars in the spring.
It is important to note than none of the current approaches for Browntail Moth control will eradicate the pest because moths/caterpillars from other nearby affected trees, perhaps not on your property, may repopulate. Nonetheless, we believe that our non-invasive, harm-free “pruning” offers a repeatable, cost-effective means of protecting your trees and your family.

Photography & Inspections
Flit is fully equipped for regular aerial photography of your house, property or event or to carry out detailed and safe inspection of industrial facilities and infrastructure. Our commercial Mavic 3E drone provides high quality photographs/videos to meet the client’s specifications.
Development of Novel UAV applications for Maine Industry
I am always looking for novel applications to expand the utility of the UAV and to help prospective clients operate their enterprise more economically. I am particularly interested in additional applications of our vegetation sampling device, but I am also open to collaborative arrangements with any Maine industry or research entity for projects at any stage of development. With 20+ years experience as a grant-funded scientist I understand the process and the challenges of research and technology development.